How Can You Partner With IGM
International Gospel Missions: A Baptist Mission Agency has at its CORE to reach the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to plant local churches to broaden the evangelistic outreach of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
The Ministry of “Helps” provides for those who wish to serve the Lord in a way that brings advancement of the Great Commission. They may or may not focus on the establishment of a local church but are supported and sent by their local church. They may be retired from other vocations or have other income that allows them to serve the Lord without the need to raise full missionary support. Partial support may be raised, depending on need.
Anyone interested in joining the IGM Ministry of “Helps” program must apply through the IGM application process for approval.
Through the Ministry of “Helps”, an opportunity for volunteers and those devoted to education, children’s ministries (including orphans), pastoral training, evangelism, conference speakers, short-term mission trips, construction projects, camp and any other Gospel ministry. Such individuals will be responsible and accountable to and for all doctrine and policies of International Gospel Missions: A Baptist Mission Agency. All such individuals shall be accepted by IGM through an application process and have access to tools through its website, etc.
Finances – Those who participate under the Ministry of Helps shall be responsible for all personal and ministry support and expenses but IGM will provide counsel if desired. Those in the Ministry of “Helps” may already have income from other sources and only need to raise supplemental support to function. A support level is based upon each individual’s needs and budget. All funds raised by a partner of IGM must go through the accounting practices of IGM whether support or projects.
Are you interested in knowing more about how you could serve with IGM as a volunteer, intern, mission team member, missionary, or in the Ministry of “Helps”? Is God calling you to the Ministry of “Helps”? Do you want to help IGM reach the world for Christ? This special ministry permits many, including senior citizens, to serve within their areas of expertise and within their time schedule. Please call the office at (585) 334-9048 or 1-844-334-4646 and ask for an application to begin your ministry.
Our Partnering Family
Key Leadership
Gary and Nancy Newhart became the Executive Director of International Gospel Missions in February 2000, after the unexpected passing of the founder. Dr. Newhart, by the grace of God, was privileged to start two churches that became indigenous in the state of New York. Under his leadership, IGM has been restructured to provide a higher degree of accountability and integrity has become the watchword. IGM is growing in its mission and many are coming to know and hear the message of the true Gospel that is found in Jesus Christ alone! He makes it very clear that the Mission is not about us but all about bringing glory to our Heavenly Father (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Jim and Denise Arnold joined IGM in 1990. Jim was born in Ivory Coast, West Africa, and the Arnolds were missionaries there when they joined IGM. The family was evacuated from Ivory Coast during the coup in 2002. Jim is currently the Field Representative for all of IGM’s national church planters in Ivory Coast. He is also currently the acting director of Faith Ministries International Ministries, IGM’s orphan ministry. Their family resides in Georgia.
Dan and Pam Waterman joined IGM in 2012. They have been married 29 years and have 10 children; eight on earth, two in heaven. Dan is a Network Engineer for the University of Rochester Medical Center, and supports Pam in her homeschooling efforts. Benjamin Ministries is named after and dedicated to their son, Benjamin, who died in 1997 in a car crash.
Kouami was born in Togo, Africa. In early 1972, he received the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior and was baptized by immersion in April, 1972. Kouami came to the United States to get his Bible training. He and his wife, Afi, were officially accepted as missionaries with IGM on February 6, 1999. He is sent out by Faith Baptist Church, State College, PA. He raised his full support and left for the field of Togo in January, 2001. Since going back to Togo, he has trained many men; 5 are now also with IGM. He is currently developing plans for a Bible College in northern Togo. Kouami is presently the Fields Director for all French-speaking West African
countries where IGM has a physical presence.
National Field Representatives
Alex Boamah is the director of the Adom Baptist Ministries. Alex joined IGM in 2002 and is the pastor of Adom Baptist Church. The church is growing. Some of the members work at wood carving which has allowed them to raise enough money to purchase land for a church building and the school. However, they need funds to complete the school building, for which they did all the digging and foundation work by hand. Alex is involved with many ministries, helping in several capacities. Presently, he is building a home for women who have no ability to help themselves where they can learn a trade like sewing, cooking, etc.
Fritz Voltaire has been with IGM since May, 1996. His first wife passed away in April, 2005; on June 10, 2006, he married Francoise Jean-Mary. He is presently the pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church of Chateaublond, Pernier. Pastor Voltaire is strong in Christian education and has established a church school and a vocational school. He is well-respected in his country for his heart in working with and teaching youth. In addition, he is involved in caring for orphans. Pastor Voltaire needs your prayers and financial support as he endeavors to make a difference in Haiti.
Pastor Rufus joined IGM in 2007. His PEFCOC Ministry, begun in 1980, has been blessed of God. The ministry has four wings: City Baptist Temple of Rajahmundry A.P. (Mother church); North India Missionary Ministry in three Himalayan states – Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Uttarakhand; Konaseema church planting ministry, and PEFCOC Bible College. The ministry is steadily growing in all the places. His desire is to see all of the ministry become autonomous.
N’Dri trusted Christ as his Savior in 1980 after two young men approached him and shared the Gospel with him. He says that he had no peace in his life and that money did not bring happiness. “After I accepted Christ and began my walk with Him, then my life was filled with joy”, he says. N’Dri is the National Field Representative for Ivory Coast in conjunction with Jim Arnold and he is the pastor of Eglise Biblique Baptist.
Godfrey Watson has been with IGM since 1998. On December 16, 2006, he married Launa. They are now serving the Lord together in two rural churches: Providence Baptist Church and Spice Grove Baptist Church, which are twelve miles apart. His ministries entail preaching on Sundays, teaching Bible studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays, instructing and discipling new believers, visitation, and soul-winning. Pastor Watson’s other activities include being the executive member of the Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Jamaica, serves on the ministry team for AWANA clubs of Jamaica, and is IGM’s National Field Representative. He also serves his community in many different ways.
Anthony and Sheilah Juma have been with IGM since August 2003. Anthony was born again in 1998 and has been discipled by Rev. Maungo and graduated from Shasta Bible College. Anthony is the IGM National Field Representative for Kenya. In December 2019, they began planting a new local, autonomous assembly, Macedonia Baptist Church, in the Kitale region.
Peter is the senior pastor of the Unity Baptist Church of Monrovia, Liberia. Since the establishment of Unity Baptist Church, they have succeeded in establishing many other churches. They also have a Bible school, youth ministry, and orphan ministry. Some of the churches are running schools to help the members’ children and those in their community. Ellen has served in the church in many areas. Presently, she serves as conference leader of the women’s department. Pray for the Gebeors as they continue to serve the Savior. They are in need of financial support.
Larque and Rose Vaye joined IGM in 2009. Larque is the senior pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Monrovia, Liberia, and a regular teacher and staff member at the Jake Memorial Baptist College. For the past twelve years, they have seen the Lord’s hand upon their lives and ministry in spite of the civil war and the challenges of ministry in a war-torn country such as Liberia. Presently their church building is being totally renovated.
In 2020, he became a National Field Representative for India.
Church Planters and Evangelists
Timothy and Ramona Abbott joined IGM in 1996. Rev. ‘Timo’ is a son of Edward and Flossie Abbott. He was the pastor of Alto Baptist Church in Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. They also had a VBS and youth camp ministry. Then Timo and his family worked on starting a church, Good News Baptist Church, in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Work was slow but they saw several professions of faith among the children. Timo is now the pastor of Living Word Missionary Baptist Church in Burlington, NC.
Eral and Merle Lewis have been with IGM since 1982. Dr. Lewis was the pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship, in Kingston, Jamaica. In 2018, they moved to the New York City area to be closer to family and Eral became the pastor of Evangel Baptist Church in Laurelton, NY.
A ministry of helps to USA pastors and churches
“Have Bible, Will Travel” ministries include:
Pulpit supply:
- Pastoral vacations
- Pastoral or family illness
- Relieve missionary pastors to report to their churches
Church consultation:
- To Biblically educate and encourage in the application of Bible principles involving church challenges
- To Biblically educate and assist churches in their search for God’s direction in calling a new pastor
Pastor Hamilton graduated from Baptist Bible Seminary of Johnson City, NY. He has been a pastor for over 45 years and a member of the councils of Wisconsin and Florida. He has spoken in the state fellowships of three states and was Vice-President of International Christian Youth. He has also authored books exposing Transcendental Meditation and follow-up materials for new believers. He joined IGM in 2011.
On August 15th, 2021, Pastor Hamilton’s wife, Ruth, passed away after a short illness.
Jim and Joanne Starr have been involved in God’s ministry since Jim’s salvation in 1969. Jim received his theological training from Bob Jones University. He has experience as a deacon, youth pastor, pastor, church planter, business manager, and entrepreneur. He has owned and operated numerous small businesses that he has used for the spread of the Gospel worldwide for the glory of God. In January 2021, Jim became Director Emeritus of Vision2020 Asia.
Widows and Widowers
Janice Springer, widow of the late evangelist, Lon Springer
Jennifer Lake, widow of the late church planter, Samuel Lake
Marlene Payne, widow of the late Field Representative and music missionary, Charlie Payne
Glenn Stockton, widower of the late Sarah Stockton
David Hamilton, widower of the late Ruth Hamilton
The Meloros have been partners with IGM since 1993. Rev. Meloro was the pastor of New Beginning Baptist Church in Chester, Nova Scotia. Before planting this new church, he pastored the St. Margaret’s Bay Bible Fellowship Church in Glen Haven, NS. Now he and Elise have downsized and moved to West Dover where they are building relationships with the people of their new community in order to share Christ with them.
Flossie Abbott has been with IGM since 1984 and has served in Mexico since 1968. Together with her late husband, Edward Abbott III, they raised eight children there, seven married Mexicans, and are active in the Lord’s work. Edward started a three-year Bible Institute for village young people. Several grads are now teaching in other schools throughout Mexico, teaching the courses Edward taught them. He also wrote many years of Sunday School material and Vacation Bible School material. Then, in 1985, he became a favorite teacher on a Video Bible School that went into all Spanish-speaking countries. After retiring from the Bible Institute in 1998, they traveled together, helping in conferences.
On November 22, 2015, with his family surrounding him, Edward Abbott III went Home to be with the Lord he loved and served for so many years.
Flossie continues to serve the Lord by leading ladies’ retreats at a campground. She also acts as an encourager and speaker at ladies groups as often as the opportunity is available. This godly women is truly a warrior for the cause of Christ.
Andres and Ginger Franco joined IGM in 2005. Ginger is the daughter of Edward and Flossie Abbott. They serve the Lord in a small corner of the states of Hidalgo and Veracruz, Mexico. Working in their village, they have been able to talk with people about the Lord. As they work on their field–yard, they have been able to talk with and encourage others about the Lord. Several have gotten things right with the Lord.
Enoc trust Christ as his Savior when he was a child and was baptized when he was in his teens. He and Ludy Melo joined IGM in 2002. The Melos have an outreach mission in Estación Cruz in Mexico. The family travels and sings in churches around the area and Enoc also preaches and does evangelistic visitation.
Noe and Victoria Salazar have been with IGM since 2002. Noe pastors the church in their village and 3 mission churches. Victoria is a daughter of Ed and Flossie Abbott. Noe and Victoria work side by side in all areas of ministry. Noe has taught himself carpentry to help support them, his parents, and to provide fuel for his vehicle.
Widows and Widowers
Flossie Abbott, widow of the late Edward Abbott III, missionary and Bible teacher to Mexico
Lolita Abbott, widow of the late David Abbott, evangelist to Mexico
Beatrice Klingensmith joined IGM in 1968. As a mission partner for over 50 years, she holds the longest continuous service record with IGM of any missionary or church planter. Miss Klingensmith is a lifetime missionary to Brazil, having lived and ministered in that country since 1965. During her years as a missionary, Beatrice has taught Bible in the public school system, run a small Christian bookstore, and worked for a publisher in Brazil. She has been affiliated with Child Evangelism International and Word of Life and has been a translator for tribal outreach along the Amazon River. She has been the head administrator of the library for a Christian school and seminary in Benevides. The library staff is also responsible for setting up a yearly conference schedule, which includes a Women’s Conference, Pastors’ Conference, Leadership Conference, Children’s Day, etc. Beatrice also taught Bible classes in the local public schools, participated in literature campaigns with the Brazilian Bible Society, was active in arranging children’s Christian camps every January and July, and has made several medical mission/evangelistic trips by boat to remote villages in Amazonas, where she served as an interpreter.
Beatrice has retired from the field in Brazil and due to health problems is now living in the States. She currently has a ministry of prayer and encouragement.
Fritz Voltaire has been with IGM since May, 1996. His first wife passed away in April, 2005; on June 10, 2006, he married Francoise Jean-Mary. He is presently the pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church of Chateaublond, Pernier. Pastor Voltaire is strong in Christian education and has established a church school and a vocational school. He is well-respected in his country for his heart in working with and teaching youth. In addition, he is involved in caring for orphans. Pastor Voltaire needs your prayers and financial support as he endeavors to make a difference in Haiti.
Daniel Francois is the son of the late Pastor Macilien Francois. He is married to Martine Paul Francois and they have three children. Daniel trusted Christ as his Savior in October 1998 and was baptized in 1999.
Daniel’s Current Ministry:
Daniel has been responsible for Sunday School, camp ministry, and Vacation Bible School. He faithfully worked with his father as an associate pastor and served as youth pastor. The young people love his preaching and he has a special understanding of the needs of young families and helps them as he can. He also cares for his mother, Paulaune Francois, after the death of his father, Macilien. He became the senior pastor of the church.
Pastor Jean Marie Lucien has been with IGM since 1996. Along with his late wife, Estelle, they had two daughters: Lucette and Doana. Pastor Lucien is the pastor of the Beracah Baptist Church and co-founder and president of the OAEBH (Organization of Authentic Evangelical Baptists of Haiti). Pastor Lucien is a leader among his fellow Haitian pastors. He has written several series of Sunday school lessons, which the churches of that mission use in the instruction of their own people. He also serves as the Academic Dean to the SOS Bible Institute in Port-Au-Prince.
Pastor Lucien is instrumental in the organization and leading of the Annual Youth Camp. This camp is designed especially to enable spiritual growth and to help the Haitian young people develop the leadership skills necessary to take over various leadership roles in the local churches. Besides his many duties as pastor, Pastor Lucien also teaches daily at a high school. He teaches both French and Literature. Since he holds a teaching degree, besides his theological training, teaching serves as a viable “tent-making” position for him. This helps him to “make ends meet” both at home and in his church, in the midst of the poor Haitian economy.
In May 2019, Estelle passed away after battling cancer.
In July 2020, Jean-Marie married Louisina.
I find pleasure in communicating with you about all of my works, activities, and plans. First of all, let me greet you in the name of Jesus, our Lord, and tell you about myself. I don’t have an outside job other than as pastor. My wife passed away in January, 2010, after the earthquake. I have six children to care for, feed, and send to school. Some months, I can’t pay for their schooling. I teach them the Bible every day, pray with them, and instruct them also about the way of Jesus Christ.
However, that doesn’t prevent me from going to the churches in Grand Kay and in Fond-Brache. I am still spiritually feeding many faithful in Bible study and preparing them to preach the Gospel of Christ, our Lord and Savior.
The Jeromes have been with IGM since 1993. Pastor Jerome is the pastor of Good Shepherd Baptist Church in Port-Au-Prince. Both the church and the Jeromes’ home were destroyed in the earthquake in January 2010. Also, their eldest son, Josue, and Junior Jean Pierre, an orphan living with the Jerome family, were killed in the collapse of the University Royale. The Jeromes have relocated to a new area near the airport in northern Port-Au-Prince, where they are currently building a new home. Please pray for comfort and strength for these dear servants of God.
Pastor Delisme Jean Joel and his wife, Jocelyne, have been with IGM since 1997. In 1985, Pastor Joel planted, and has since pastored, Ebenezer Independent Church in Mariani, a suburb of Port-Au-Prince. Current baptized membership of Ebenezer was approaching 80 before the earthquake.They also have a Christian school for grades 1-7. At the start, they met in rented buildings, but now own their property. Although the lower floor of this building survived the earthquake, the upper floor, used for the school, was destroyed. Engineering inspections will be needed to determine the soundness of the remaining 1st floor. In 1990, Ebenezer Mission was founded when five other churches located in the southern peninsula of Haiti, previously under the supervision of Joel’s aging father, also came under Pastor Joel’s charge. The newly formed mission was finally recognized by the Haitian government in October of 2000.
Pastor Joel is well on his way to realizing his vision of leaving a strong and independently run mother church to whichever pastor may succeed him. He is an active discipler of church leaders in every facet of ministry, including preaching, music, finances, and general servanthood. Pastor Joel helps teach in his school, works as a tent-making refrigerator/AC technician, and serves as the director of several choral groups in the Port-Au-Prince area. He is a self-motivated and innovative man who does all he can to help both the people and pastors in the six churches under his supervision. He is doing a great job as both a family man and church leader, establishing and practicing New Testament principles that one rarely finds being put into practice in the local churches in Haiti.
Gabriel and Aline Joseph have been with IGM since 2005. Pastor Joseph is the pastor of Faith Church in Fond-Branche, a suburb of Port-Au-Prince. He also has an orphan ministry and has been involved in distributing the solar-powered, pre-tuned radios from Stanley Stankovich’s Faith Cometh By Hearing Radio Ministry. Gabriel and Aline have seven grown children.
Salvation testimony: “I was born into a Christian family but did not make my own decision to become a Christian until one day when I was about 14. During a class devotion, I received the call of God to salvation. I was later baptized at Victory Baptist Church in Pierre-Payen.”
Call to ministry: “God called me to the ministry when I was a young boy. I came to Victory Baptist Church where the late Jacsene Orelus was the pastor. He saw this call of God in my life and asked me to work closely with him. I am now the pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Pierre-Payen.”
Ulrick is married to Elide Achemen. She was saved during a spiritual wake-up at the Baptist Church of Mission Possible. Ulrick and Elide have 5 children.
Wilsaint Michel accepted the Lord as his personal Savior in 1993 under the ministry of Pastor Fritz Voltaire and was baptized the following year. In 2010, Wilsaint was ordained as an associate pastor under Fritz Voltaire in the church in Chateaublond. Fritz calls Wilsaint his key colleague in that church.
Wilsaint’s wife, Soeurette, accepted the Lord as her Savior during a time of illness.
Wilsaint and Soeurette have five children, two are grown and three are still at home.
Paulaune Francois, widow of the late Pastor Macilien Francois
Isemane Belizaire, widow of the late Pastor Milius Belizaire
Godfrey Watson has been with IGM since 1998. On December 16, 2006, he married Launa. They are now serving the Lord together in two rural churches: Providence Baptist Church and Spice Grove Baptist Church, which are twelve miles apart. His ministries entail preaching on Sundays, teaching Bible studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays, instructing and discipling new believers, visitation, and soul-winning. Pastor Watson’s other activities include being the executive member of the Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Jamaica, serves on the ministry team for AWANA clubs of Jamaica, and is IGM’s National Field Representative. He also serves his community in many different ways.

Sylvester and Beverly Greene have been with IGM since 1995. Reverend Green has been preaching since 1966 and is currently the pastor of two churches, Sellington Independent Baptist Church in Fyffes Pen, and Rockcliffe Independent Baptist Church in Giddy Hall, both rural areas of St. Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica. The Sellington church is in the process of building a permanent structure. The building is up and the roof is on, but the building is still in need of windows and doors, permanent flooring, and painting inside and out.
Clifton and Maureen Smith have been with IGM since 1995. Clifton accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior on August 20, 1970. He was called to the ministry in 1976 and graduated in 1982. Clifton and Maureen are serving the Lord together at the Grace Baptist Church, Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Clifton’s ministry entails preaching on Sundays, teaching Bible studies on Wednesdays, instructing new converts, counseling and marrying people, soul-winning, mentoring children at the school, and serving as board member of the AWANA clubs of Jamaica.
- Spiritual and numerical growth of the church
- Evangelization of the adjoining communities of Santa Cruz
- Completion of the educational building
- Funds to complete our Christian education building
- A church bus to ease the transportation problem of our members who are having difficulty getting to and from church on Sundays
Audley and Donna Black have been with IGM since 1995. Audley is the pastor of the Black River Independent Baptist Church. The church is presently growing and in the midst of a two-year building program. Their goal is to double the congregation in four years. Presently, their growth has stopped because of the lack of space to hold the congregation. They are trying to raise $50,000 US to install a new church roof. The people have raised one-third of the needed roof money. Pastor Black’s goal for next year is to become a Biblical Counselor certified through the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors and then start a counseling ministry in the church. His purpose is to build strong families in the churches, especially reaching the men. The Blacks are in need of your prayers and financial support. In 2012, he became acting president of Fairview Bible College.
Anderson Gibson trusted Christ as his Savior in September 1991 after listening to the preaching at church. He was baptized the following March.
His wife, Lollita, accepted Christ as her Savior after listening to the preaching at church and rededicated her life to the Lord in 1987.
Pastor Gibson is the pastor of First Baptist Church in St. George’s, Grenada, West Indies.
Beulah Roberts, widow of the late Pastor Stanley Roberts
Evelyn Williams, widow of the late Pastor Milton Williams
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Sampson and Gillian George have been with IGM since 2001. Sampson was the pastor of the Anchor Baptist Church in St. Andrews, Grenada, until August, 2009. They were involved with various evangelistic activities – tent meetings, teaching Bible classes, vacation Bible school, visitation, and Sunday services. In 2009, they returned to St. Vincent, their country of origin, and began a church-planting effort there. God has been faithful to help and protect them through challenges that have come into their lives. They are in need of prayer and financial support.
Trinidad and Tobago
Garnet and Dorothy Samuels joined IGM in 1996. Rev. Samuels is the pastor of the Berean Bible Church in St. George’s. He also teaches Bible Doctrine and Old Testament Survey courses at the First Baptist Institute of Biblical Studies. In August 2019, Garnet and Dorothy moved to Trinidad and Tobago where Garnet pastors Palmiste Evangelical Church in San Fernando, Trinidad.
Henry and Jeanne joined IGM in 1992. After Bible training in Dallas, TX, the Lantangs were stationed in Manado, North Sulawesi to start a Bible school known as Manado Bible Institute. In 2002, God gave him a vision to start several Bible Institutes within the many islands. Through his ministry, it is said, he began over 500 places of learning. In the last few years, Henry has been battling the affects of a stroke that have left him handicapped and your prayers are appreciated.
If you cannot find your partner in India and you are certain that they are with IGM, please call the office.
Shimreipam Phungshok joined IGM in January, 2010, working through Vision2020Asia. Shimrei was born in India to Godly Christian parents, but did not personally accept Christ until 2002 at a youth camp. There, Jesus touched his life with great love and he accepted His free gift of salvation. A week later, he surrendered to God’s call to preach. Shimreipam and Awon were married in November, 2011.
Mission: Shimreipam has an intense desire to impact his home country for the cause of Christ by planting local churches. The Lord has called him to return home to begin independent, fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist churches. He wants to accomplish this by using the Biblical model of soul-winning, baptism, and Biblical discipleship. His home country is in desperate need of revival and only by the preaching of the Gospel will this be accomplished. Shimrei truly desires to be a part of helping to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.
Salvation testimony: “I was born and brought up in a Christian family but lived a worldly life. I had the opportunity to attend a youth camp in my village. The preacher spoke from Joh 3:15-18 and it spoke to my heart and I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. I was baptized the same year.”
Call to ministry: “I saw lots of young people in Northeast India who are lost spiritually. I developed a burden to reach them with the true Gospel of Christ. I received my B.Th in Kerala and my M.Div. in Bangalore. I am responsible for two churches in Guwahati, the Asian Academy English School and church planting in North East India.”
Athing is married to Marvirose and they have one child.
Assam Asian Ministries
The Assam Asian Ministry was founded by Leishiyo Shimray in 2001. Leishiyo and Grace joined Vision2020Asia and IGM in 2009. At that time, Pastor Leishiyo described his ministry as follows:
“By the grace of God, we have planted twenty-five independent Baptist churches in Northeast India and neighboring countries; people are being saved every day and many have taken water baptism through our mission. We have conducted Bible studies in many places to start a new church. Fifty house churches have been waiting, praying, and requesting the building of small shelters for their churches to meet on Sundays. We have fifteen pastors and seventeen missionaries working with us. The ministry also includes a school called Asian Academy English School.”
Leishiyo Shimray died of drug-resistant tuberculosis on May 7, 2010, at the age of 37. His brother, Athing, received Leishiyo’s dying bequest of the mission work he had started. Athing and Leishiyo’s widow, Grace, have determined to continue the ministry for God’s glory. They need much prayer and financial support.
Athing and his wife, Marvirose, have one child.
Ninglum Wungkhai joined IGM in January, 2010, working through Vision2020Asia. Ning was saved as a teen when a preacher told him that knowing Jesus by name would not save him if he did not receive Him in his heart. He poured out his heart to God to forgive his sin and received Jesus as personal Savior. When he was mocked for his testimony, he realized the lost could not know about Jesus unless someone witnessed to them. He dedicated his life to serve God and become a preacher. God brought a trial into Ning’s life when, at the age of 18, he lost both his parents. He took the responsibility of caring for and working to feed his brother and sister. His situation gave him compassion for street children and orphans and caused him to ask God to use him to care for them. God opened the door for Ning to attend Bible College in Southern India. After school, he returned home and organized a group of college students to visit the border area villages. One of the village elders told him, “Brother, you are [only] the second person who came and talked about Jesus in my village.” He was challenged again to become a preacher. God then opened the door for him to attend West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA.
“42 million of the 1.3 billion total population of India live in the NE sector bordering Myanmar and China. 80% of the population is Hindu. These areas are considered protected by the Indian government due to insurgency. God has opened the door for a few missionaries to get ‘Special Permit’ visas for this place. People are most receptive to the Gospel and thousands are being saved. However, many of the tribal people in border towns and villages have never heard about Jesus. I consider it a high calling to be called to minister in these closed areas among my own people. My vision is to establish a soul-winning church, Christian school, Bible Institute, and translation work. I also would like to establish a Children’s Home to train orphans.” ~Ning
Salvation testimony: “I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at a youth camp. I was baptized on Easter Sunday the following year.”
Call to ministry: “My people, the Chothe tribe, live in the North East corner of India and in the border of Myanmar. God has given me a burden to lead and guide my people and those who live in the Goth country of the border region into the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Halpu is married to M.K. Leipi Chothe and they have three children.

Ningwon Kumrah’s salvation testimony: “2 Corinthians 6:17 is the verse that changed my life. During my personal Bible reading, it touched me and led me to Christ.” Ningwon was baptized two years later.
Ningwon’s call to ministry: “None of my older brothers and sisters passed matriculation due to poverty. This poverty inspired me to start the ministry of CBBC & S because I believe it will be a great help to the poor who cannot otherwise go.”
Ningwon is the president of Ukhrul Baptist Theological College in Manipur, India, and also currently serves as the General Secretary of the Ukhrul District Baptist Mission Forum which works to reach with the Gospel non-Tangkhul people and those from southern India who live within the district of Ukhrul.
Ningwon is married to Reisophy Kumrah who was saved during a youth camp at Union Baptist Church in Ukhrul. Ningwon and Reisophy have two children.
If you cannot find your partner in India and you are certain that they are with IGM, please call the office.
The Buragas joined IGM in 2010. Dr. Buraga is the Director of Bharat Bible College in Secunderabad, AP, India. He is also the founder and director of Shiloh Biblical Ministries, a multi-functional outreach ministry, also based in Secunderabad. Their ministries include the Shiloh Bible Chapel, Bible study groups, outreach to widows, orphans, and the poor, VBS, and other special programs.
P .D. and Shantha Emmanuel have been with IGM since 1993. Rev. Emmanuel is the director of Sathyaveda (True Word) Ministries, begun in 1974 as a Baptist mission. The ministry involves church planting and aid programs among the unreached tribes in India. The Emmanuels are kept busy with the oversight of the various ministries and the training of needed staff. P.D. constantly seeks new avenues for spreading the Gospel and meeting the needs of the Indian people. In September 2019, Shantha passed away after a long battle with cancer.
Sathyaveda Ministry programs include:
- Evangelizing unreached tribes
- Church Planting
- Orphanages
- Christian day schools
- Vocational schools
- Supervised Lodging for Youth
- Short-term Bible courses
- Bible Distribution
- Health care
- Food programs
- Tailoring centers
- Disaster Relief
Pastor Penumala Soujanya and Raja Kumar joined IGM in 2004. “Warm Christian greetings to you from India. God is good to my family and me. He has helped me travel to various places and preach the Gospel as well as conduct Gospel and church meetings in Parvathipuram, Vizianagaram, Vizag, Vijayawada, and Tirupathi (city of temples), and visit with,and share the Good News with, the downtrodden people in camps. Praise God for the people who have accepted the Lord and for others who have heard the Good News gladly. My family and I are happy for your prayer support which enables us to go forward to do His work, meet the needs of the people, and share the Good News and saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.Thank you!”
Raja passed away in July 2020 of a heart attack.
The Samuels have been with IGM since 1993. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel oversee the Perambur Christian Church Ministries of India, which includes the Perambur Christian Church, church planting, Gospel and medical camps, pastors’ seminars, widow care, orphan care, and tract & literature ministry.
“I was a Hindu by birth and naturally, as a Hindu, I used to worship gods made of clay, wood, stone, bronze, brass, etc., but I did not have satisfaction or joy.” As a child, he used to wonder who the real God was since there were three million gods in his country. As a teenager, he was invited to a Christian meeting in his neighborhood and reluctantly attended. There, the Lord spoke to him, he realized he was a sinner, and, after some days of hearing the Word of God, he accepted the Lord as his personal Savior. He was baptized in 1979. Mohan and Padma started the children’s and church ministries in 1990 by faith and the Lord has been faithful to them in all things. Their current ministries are winning children and adults to the Lord, working with a daughter church 25 KM away from the main church, village ministries and training national pastors. Other ministries include an orphanage, women’s ministry, Bible studies, crusades and conferences, rural and tribal ministry, counseling, radio and TV and HIV ministry. Mohan and Padma have two grown children, Ebenezer and Nissi.
Widows and Widowers
Pastor P. S. Kumar, widower of the late Rajajumari Kumar
Savita Kumar, widow of the late Pastor Prakash Kumar
Pastor P. D. Emmanuel, widower of the late Shanth Emmanuel
“My sister led me to Christ through a personal witness. After I believed on Christ as my personal Savior, I was baptized.”
“When I believed on Jesus Christ and after I studied the Bible and knew the truth about God, I developed a burden for the people of my tribe who also need to be saved. I am now the pastor of a church among the Newar people.”
Ishwar is married to Chandika Rai Shrestha. Chandika and her family were saved when she was a child through the testimony of a pastor. Relatives and neighbors persecuted them for leaving the Hindu religion but they held firm and Chandika and her parents were baptized.
Ishwar and Chandika have two children.
Rafael and Charing Lubaton were accepted into IGM on May 13, 2008, as Missionary Field Coordinators to the Philippines. They both accepted the Lord as personal Savior in 1952 and a few years later, came to the United States for graduate studies in Bible and theology. They are United States citizens and have been in many different ministries for over 50 years, including being a senior pastor, professor, church-planter, financial analyst, loan officer, clerk, and participating in a jail ministry. Charing went home to be with the Lord January 25, 2013, following a devastating stroke a few weeks prior.
After Charing went home to be with the Lord, Rafael married Rosalinda and both are now serving with IGM. Rosalinda accepted the Lord as personal Savior in 1953. She has been a career public school teacher in the Philippines and a quartermaster, completed her Certified Nurse Assistance course and Home Health Aide Certificate in California, and has served in the field of Health Care Services in California.
José and Julie Timkang joined IGM in 1998. Pastor Timkang is the director of the Family for Christ Church Planting Ministry. Their ministry includes an orphan ministry, children’s outreach programs, Bible studies, and church planting. José’s brother, Reymundo, is also an IGM national church planter.
Methosalem and his family recently returned to the Philippines from California, where he was involved in a church-planting ministry and was holding home Bible studies and one-on-one studies with interested parties. He is now involved in preaching and business Bible studies in the Central Philippines area. Methosalem is waiting for his US visa application to be approved so he and his family can return to the US.
The Comisings joined IGM in 2005. The Blessed Hope Christian Church also houses a student center, which offers seminars, camps, films, music and art tutorials, and the resources in their library. They are currently serving thousands of students in the university belt of Dasmarinas, Cavite. The Comisings are dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel to the students of public high schools, private and state colleges, and universities. In addition to the student outreach and his pastoral responsibilities for the church, Rev. Comising also teaches an ethics course at the Magsaysay Institute of Shipping Officer Training School. Many of the officer candidates make professions of salvation as a result of this course.
Edelfonso and Berlita Cruz joined IGM in 2005. Pastor Cruz is the pastor of Canduman Baptist Church in Mandaue. The Lord has blessed the ministries through evangelism, Bible studies and discipleship. Pastor Cruz oversees in the church as well as the school ministry and outreach ministries. He has a heart for children to be trained by the Word of God. Pastor Cruz and his wife, with the young people, also have an outreach program in the mountain area, teaching children and small groups of parents for Bible study.
Daniel and Nelly Hiquiana joined IGM in 1983. Rev. Daniel, who passed away in 2006, was the pastor of Christian Bible Church in Sta. Maria, Davao del Sur. Mrs. Hiquiana administers Morning Star Academy, a School of Tomorrow Christian day school with over 50 students, and teaches classes at the local high school. She also has a radio outreach, Heart’s Journey – Grace over the Airwaves. The Hiquiana family helps with an orphan ministry and feeding program and is active in regular VBS and evangelistic programs.
Leo and Agnes Romagos joined IGM in 2005. Leo is a pastor, radio counselor, Bible teacher, and director of various youth and medical outreach ministries. His radio program is broadcast Monday through Saturday. This FM station broadcast covers the northern part of the province of Cebu, the islands, and parts of the provinces of Masbate, Samar, Leyte, and Negros. “With this radio station, we can reach many people for Christ, especially the many islands which [are] difficult to reach during stormy weather.”
Until recently, Leo was the pastor of Bogo Baptist Church in Cebu city. Now he has resigned from Bogo Baptist to begin another church planting ministry based on responses to his radio broadcast. He also trains pastors at a Bible institute.
Reymundo ‘Nilo’ and Juliet Timkang joined IGM in 2005. Nilo is the pastor of the King Jesus Community Church in Tacloban, which recently celebrated its 16th anniversary. At present, they have outreaches in Carigara and Sogod. Here their ministry includes children’s Sunday school, adult Bible classes, youth outreach, and English classes. The ministry is in need of a used vehicle for outreach, which will cost approximately $6,000 U.S. The church is currently renting the property and would like to raise funds and secure a lot for the church building and a proposed preschool.
East Africa
Anthony and Sheilah Juma have been with IGM since August 2003. Anthony was born again in 1998 and has been discipled by Rev. Maungo and graduated from Shasta Bible College. Anthony is the IGM National Field Representative for Kenya. In December 2019, they began planting a new local, autonomous assembly, Macedonia Baptist Church, in the Kitale region.

In October, 1991, Baptist Faith Mission (now known as IGMK) began with a fellowship of two families at the Shanty of Kitale town. By the grace of God, the fellowship has grown to approximately 100 churches in four countries. We praise the Lord for His grace. They began with two orphans in the year 2000 and God has also blessed this outreach. IGMK now supports five orphanages and over 170 orphans. The Huruma Orphanage School was officially registered in 2006 with the government of Kenya, with 387 orphans. This became the first of many educational ministries, currently including 8 Christian elementary and high schools, serving over 1,600 students, the Independent Gospel Bible Institute, and several trade schools. Pastor Maungo currently oversees over 60 national pastors with churches in 16 different regions. His main focus is on church planting and ministering to the poor.
Peter Simiyu Nilson joined IGM in 2009 while finishing his Bible education and returned to Kenya to find a wife to stand alongside of him in ministry. Beritah was the one the Lord gave him and later a wonderful little boy. He also began a new local church called Tabernacle Baptist Church in Kitale. They were able to purchase land and construct a building for the church to worship. Tabernacle Baptist is a growing autonomous church with a vision of reaching souls for the Lord Jesus and planting new churches wherever God leads. He is one of the founders of a local church fellowship called Jesus is Coming Fellowship. He demonstrates the Baptists distinctives in the ministry God has given him. He is a proven soldier of Jesus Christ!
Kenneth and Glarace Kalama joined IGM in 2011. Pastor Kenneth has been the senior pastor of the Diani church since 1981. During that time, he has also been an instructor at a local Bible college (1981-2005) and an AWANA missionary (1997-2009).
“Within the area I work for God, there are 27 churches under me as the Trustee. We have harmoniously worked together as a team. God has ever been blessing this ministry greatly as we see people reached with the Gospel and accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. As I visit them often, I’m always impressed at how God is doing His work in these churches.”
Paul and Leah Manyara joined IGM in 2007. Rev. Manyara has served at Moffat Bible College, a post-secondary level Bible college in Kijabe, Kenya, East Africa. He is currently the pastor of the African Inland Church in Kijabe, Kenya. Their ministries include Good News Club, feeding centers, school outreach, and ladies’ Bible study which Leah leads.
“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.” – Romans 12:15-16
Baptist Faith Missions, Coast Region
Julius and Lydia Kadenge have been with IGM since August 2003. Julius accepted the Lord as his Savior in 1993. Pastor Kadenge pastors several churches in the Mombasa coastal area, including Kahingoni Baptist Faith Church, Kibarani Grace Baptist Church, and Kilifi Baptist Church. He spends much of his time working with his tribe, the Giriamas. The Giriama tribe, an unreached people group, is made up mostly of animistic religions, which include the worship of ancestral spirits and the religion of Islam. Pastor Julius preaches from house to house, gives counseling and guidance to school children, and teaches Biblically based HIV/AIDS prevention. He helps AIDS victims buy food and helps the poor parents with school uniforms. They need a vehicle so they can help and reach more people for the Lord. They need your prayer and financial support.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for more of the Lord’s workers.
- Pray for my support to increase.
- Pray for more converts.
- Pray for the orphans.
John and Rose Orinda have been partners with IGM since 2002. John is the pastor of Gospel Baptist Church. “Praise the Lord, many are seeking God with all their hearts and many lives are being revived. The congregation is full of the love of God as we continue to penetrate into the slum areas of Nairobi.”
- Gospel Baptist Church
- Women’s Meetings
- Pastors’ Conferences
- National Convention
- Orphan ministry
Meshack A. Mbote and his wife, Helen (Achieng Ondoro) Mbote live in Sondu, Kenya and have five children, two of whom are grown.
Meshack desires to join other ministers in the ministry and to preach the Gospel to the unsaved according to the command of God in Matthew 28:18-20. He has been involved with youth Sunday school, orphans, widows, seminars and church development. He says he chose IGM “because it stands for the Word of God.” Meshack holds a 4-yr. diploma in theology from the Bible College of East Africa in Nairobi and a certificate in Lay Leadership. Paul Obange, a National Pastor in Kenya with IGM, says that Meshack is not working for the money but only for the Lord. John Orinda, another National Pastor in Kenya with IGM, says that Meshack is is able to take care of God’s flock and to help reach the world with the Gospel.
Franklin’s testimony:
In 1996, a preacher came to our school and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I realized that I am a sinner and only His death on the cross could save me. I believed and accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. My pastor took me through the new believer’s class and thereafter I was baptized in a river by immersion.
Claris’ testimony:
In 2000, while I was in the Christian Union, I received Jesus Christ as my Savior after hearing the Word of God from a visiting missionary.
Franklin and Claris were married in 2009 and have children now and fourth expected in October 2018.
Franklin is the founder and pastor of Voice of Hope Baptist Church and he also teaches at Independent Gospel Mission College in Bungoma, Kenya.

Andrew Pite Chome

Cleophas Wamalwa’s testimony: “At the age of 17 years, I heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. I believed the Gospel to be the true record concerning Jesus Christ and I asked Him to come into my life. From that time, my life was changed completely.” After his salvation, Cleophas joined the discipleship class where he was taught about baptism. Then he was baptized by immersion.
Widows and Widowers
Sulmena Obange, widow of the late Pastor Paul Obange
John Wesonga joined IGM in 2013. He is the first National Church Planter to join IGM. He is working as a youth pastor and is Wilson Maungo’s right-hand man in Uganda. He has a seventh-grade education and is pursuing a Certificate in Biblical Studies through the IGM Institute in Kenya. He is married to Margaret Mutua Wesonga and they have five children.
John’s Salvation testimony:
“One pastor paid me a visit and shared with me the Gospel in Romans 3:23. I realized that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. So that day, after my conviction, I called upon the Name of the Lord.” He was later baptized.
In March 1999, a preacher visited his home had time to share the Word of God from John 3:16 about the love of God. The preacher also shared from Romans 3:23 that all of humanity are sinners and without hope. Through the preaching, Paul’s heart was convicted, and he called upon the Name of Jesus Christ to save him. He was baptized by immersion very soon thereafter.
Paul’s wife, Irene, went to a crusade while visiting her older brother. The Word was preached from 1 John 5:12 and Romans 3:23 and she found out that she was s inner and not part of God’s family. When the invitation was given to receive Christ Jesus as Savior, Irene was the first one to go forward and call on the Name of Jesus Christ to save her.
Paul is the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Mbale, Uganda and he and Irene have eight children.
West Africa
Benin / Burkina Faso
Though he was brought up in a Christian home, his father being a pastor, his personal relationship with God began in 1995 during a youth camp organized by his home church. During this camp, he heard the Gospel of salvation and felt in his heart the need to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He confessed publicly Christ and his personal relationship started there. He was baptized in 2003.
After his father passed away, he left his former home church and joined his present home church after meeting Pastor Jean-Baptiste Adjibocha. Pastor Adjibocha got him involved in leading youth and music ministries. Later on, he was called to teach the baptism classes and shortly after that, was asked to preach. Then, the pastor asked him to prayerfully consider serving as pastor. After a time of prayer and reflection, he made the decision to enter the pastoral ministry in obedience to God’s calling as it clearly appeared to him.
Thimote Dayamba and his wife, Esther Lompo Dayamba, have four children and live in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Thimote does evangelism training and development and health service. He interned under Kouami Midekor, IGM’s Director of French-Speaking West Africa Countries, and says that he chose IGM because “this mission is Scriptural”. He has planted four churches and started the Emmanuel Gospel Centers which is a global project for planting churches by starting with discipleship for children.
Robert and Naomi Lompo have been serving with the IGM family since August 2005. They live in the eastern region of Burkina Faso. Pastor Lompo has been pastor of the Pasganga Evangelical Church, located in the capital city of Ouagadougou, for 14 years. Through their local ministry, they have established three other churches and a new preaching point in the suburbs of Ouagadougou. In 2008, the Lompos started the Peniel Evangelical Center (Peniel means “the face of God”) and they are currently purchasing land to build the Peniel Center. Pastor Lompo is also involved in family and marriage counseling. This has allowed him to become more acquainted with families in crisis in his local area. Each year, they conduct couples’ seminars in Burkina Faso and Togo, as well as seminars and camps for children and teenagers. God has been using the counseling ministry to reach out to families in need and win them to a saving knowledge of Christ. Robert is currently in the process of finishing his Bachelor’s degree.
Alex Boamah is the director of the Adom Baptist Ministries. Alex joined IGM in 2002 and is the pastor of Adom Baptist Church. The church is growing. Some of the members work at wood carving which has allowed them to raise enough money to purchase land for a church building and the school. However, they need funds to complete the school building, for which they did all the digging and foundation work by hand. Alex is involved with many ministries, helping in several capacities. Presently, he is building a home for women who have no ability to help themselves where they can learn a trade like sewing, cooking, etc.
read Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23. He knelt down with me and I prayed the sinner’s prayer.” Jonathan was baptized a year after joining Faith Independent Baptist Church in Accra, Ghana. Jonathan’s senior brother persuaded him to study cost accountancy in one of the leading commercial colleges in Accra. In the middle of his second year, he read a sermon by Dr. John R. Rice in The Sword of the Lord. The message was from Joshua 24:15. In his sermon, Dr. Rice challenged every young man, who has been called, to enter the ministry. Without delay, Jonathan took the challenge whole-heartedly.
Daniel is the pastor of Heart-Cry Baptist Church. He is married to Esther and they have two children, Kwabena and Kwame.
“When I heard the Gospel for the first time in my life, the Lord saved me. I realized my need for Christ, having recognized my sinful and condemned state. I confessed and invited Christ into my life. I was baptized by immersion the next year.”
Daniel has planted three churches and currently pastors the second one, Heart-Cry Baptist Church. He also teaches at his former Bible school, Ghana Baptist Theological Institute. He pastored the first church he planted, Pokuase Baptist Church, for 20 years. He supervised the third church he planted, Redeemed Baptist Church, and handed it over to a trained pastor.
Widows and Widowers
Evelyn Ackon, widow of the late Pastor Anthony Ackon
Milicent Malm, widow of the late Pastor Stephen Malm
Ivory Coast

Jim and Denise Arnold joined IGM in 1990. Jim was born in Ivory Coast, West Africa, and the Arnolds were missionaries there when they joined IGM. The family was evacuated from Ivory Coast during the coup in 2002. Jim is currently the Field Representative for all of IGM’s national church planters in Ivory Coast. He is also currently the acting director of Faith Ministries International Ministries, IGM’s orphan ministry. Their family resides in Georgia.
N’Dri trusted Christ as his Savior in 1980 after two young men approached him and shared the Gospel with him. He says that he had no peace in his life and that money did not bring happiness. “After I accepted Christ and began my walk with Him, then my life was filled with joy”, he says. N’Dri is the National Field Representative for Ivory Coast in conjunction with Jim Arnold and he is the pastor of Eglise Biblique Baptist.
I was a drug addict, violent and a gang member. I was unhappy. A missionary came to me and talked about Jesus. He prayed and I gave myself to the Lord.
I felt the call to spread the Good News, my new life and how I was saved. I started the ministry right after getting baptized. I went to pastor’s school, ministered for 14 years and then went to evangelist and missionary college in Kinshasa. Since then, I have ministered as an evangelist and have opened a training center for evangelists as well as a church in Abidjan.
My wife assists me in the ministry and I have four children.
Yao’s salvation testimony: “I received Christ through the teaching of a missionary who shared with me the love that God had for me. I accepted Christ after a strong bout with malaria. It almost took my life. The same missionary who led me to Christ said that God had something special for my life. I was so thankful that God had spared me and saved me that I wanted to continue to serve Him.” Yao was baptized the following year.
Yao worked with and trained with Jim Arnold, director of Focused Ministries, for 10 years. Yao is married to Kouame Amenan Marie and they have 4 grown children.
Konan Arsene accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord in 1997 after a prayer meeting. He was baptized the following year.
Konan’s wife, Minlin, accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at a Bible study to which she was invited by a friend.
Pastor Arsene is the pastor of Biblical Baptist Church in Bouake, Ivory Coast and he and his wife have four children.
“In 1992, I was a student, and I was ill. I went to doctors, but they could not help me. Christians often gave me pamphlets about the Lord, but I told them I did not go to church because of my suffering but it was my suffering that led me to the Lord. The pamphlets told me how to receive Christ as Savior and in 1992 I received Christ as my Lord and personal Savior. I was baptized by immersion on November 14th, 1993.” Rene resolved to leave everything to serve the Lord out of gratitude for not only physical healing from his illness but also for saving him from his sin.
Rene’s wife, Sekohonon, met the Lord in 1988 and was baptized by immersion in 1990.
Rene has a ministry of church planting in Ivory Coast and he and his wife have three children.
Peter is the senior pastor of the Unity Baptist Church of Monrovia, Liberia. Since the establishment of Unity Baptist Church, they have succeeded in establishing many other churches. They also have a Bible school, youth ministry, and orphan ministry. Some of the churches are running schools to help the members’ children and those in their community. Ellen has served in the church in many areas. Presently, she serves as conference leader of the women’s department. Pray for the Gebeors as they continue to serve the Savior. They are in need of financial support.
Larque and Rose Vaye joined IGM in 2009. Larque is the senior pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Monrovia, Liberia, and a regular teacher and staff member at the Jake Memorial Baptist College. For the past twelve years, they have seen the Lord’s hand upon their lives and ministry in spite of the civil war and the challenges of ministry in a war-torn country such as Liberia. Presently their church building is being totally renovated.
In 1981, Rev. Charles G. Sayeweh, Rev. James Lader, and Rev. Karblee, went to attend the GARBC Conference/ICC Conference in the USA. While attending the conference, the three men decided to meet with the leadership of the IGM, which was then headed by Dr. David Bovard. During the meeting, they asked the IGM to work with the Faith Independent Baptist Association (FIBA) churches in Liberia. The IGM accepted the request. Rev. Karblee is only one of the three still living. He is presently the Senior Pastor of the Faith Baptist Church in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Liberia.
Faith Baptist Church Ministries
The Faith Baptist church is one of the oldest churches established by the Mid-Liberia Baptist Missions in Buchanan, and Rev. Karblee has served as pastor for the last 16 years. The church has established four churches in and around Buchanan, and has a Christian day school on the church compound. It is also establishing fellowships in other parts of Grand Bassa County.
Pastor Dahnkuan is the pastor of the Bible Believing Church in Monrovia. They have just completed a permanent church and school building and are currently beginning work on a Bible Training Institute. He also oversees the Ganta Nimba Congregation in southern Liberia and has been instrumental in the evangelization of many small towns in rural Liberia. Siaway and Madam have been with IGM since 1987.
Isaac Browne joined IGM in 2013. He has established many preaching points, planted many churches, and is responsible for Unity Baptist Church in Whalaboyelay, Grand Bassa county, Liberia. He is also a pastor in a branch of Peter Gebeor’s Calvary Baptist Church system. He has a Diploma in Biblical Interpretation, a certificate in Biblical Training, and is working on a degree in theological school. Isaac is married to Fatu Jabah Browne and they have two children.
Widows and Widowers
Helena Weidehgar, widow of the late Pastor Moses Ujoe Weidehgar
Kouami was born in Togo, Africa. In early 1972, he received the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior and was baptized by immersion in April, 1972. Kouami came to the United States to get his Bible training. He and his wife, Afi, were officially accepted as missionaries with IGM on February 6, 1999. He is sent out by Faith Baptist Church, State College, PA. He raised his full support and left for the field of Togo in January, 2001. Since going back to Togo, he has trained many men; 5 are now also with IGM. He is currently developing plans for a Bible College in northern Togo. Kouami is presently the Fields Director for all French-speaking West African
countries where IGM has a physical presence.
Koffi was saved in 1976 through a missionary in Lomé, Togo. After working as a lab technician in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, for 10 years, he returned to Togo in 1998 to become involved in full-time ministry. Over a period of time, he began desiring further training and he and his family went to the US. He attended Piedmont Baptist College and Graduate School in Winston-Salem, NC, and graduated in 2011. During his time in the United States, he and his family became US citizens. While in school, he began his deputation ministry and returned to Togo as a missionary in June 2011 to take up his ministry of church planting. In August 2011, he started his first church plant. Since then, several more churches have been started.
Kossi & Agathe Anika joined IGM in May, 2009. Prior to that time, they were both AWANA missionaries for 16 years. Kossi has participated in various camp and VBS activities. He has also been involved in church-planting ministries with missionaries and contributed in supplying village churches with children’s Sunday school materials. Agathe currently works with youth as a Sunday school teacher. Their current ministry vision is to assist the Midekor Team of pastors in the Lomé area by developing youth programs to promote spiritual growth and to train the young people for involvement in their local church ministries. They desire to bring a greater awareness to the churches of the future potential of their youth. During their ministry, they have identified various categories of children to assist with their own personal means: abandoned children and orphans, needy children, and young people from within or outside the churches they visit. Through their actions, a good number of these children were saved and have been able to attend school or learn a job for self-employment.
Edoh (Paul) heard the Word of God during an evangelistic campaign at a Baptist church in Lomé in 1974 and accepted Christ as his Savior at the end of the campaign. He was baptized the following spring. He responded to God’s call to become a full-time pastor in 1983 and received his Bible training in Togo and at Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA. Edoh and Adzoa Assignon joined IGM in March, 2015. Edoh has served in several churches. He has been involved in personal church-planting ministry since 1999 in French-speaking West Africa. The Lord has blessed this ministry greatly; there are presently 13 churches which have been planted in four regions in Togo and 10 national pastors working under Pastor Edoh’s oversight.
Benjamin Kokou and Ama Josée Aziatroga joined IGM in 2003. The Aziatrogas are part of the IGM TOGO ministry team. Rev. Aziatroga is the pastor of Bible Baptist Church “The Solution” in Tsévié, Togo, where the church averages about 110 adults in attendance weekly. The Aziatrogas are now beginning construction of a church building for a second work in the village of Woukpe.“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” — Psalm 37:4
Etienne K. Adje and Adjatougbe (Dadavi) Degbey have been with IGM since 2002. Pastor Etienne is very involved in the church planting ministry in Togo. He is currently the pastor of the Baptist Church of Adakpamé, which is the second church established by the Midekor team in Lomé. Through this ministry, they also established a daughter church in Agodeke, which began holding services in January, 2009. Pastor Etienne’s assistant is currently the pastor in Agodeke. The Adakpame church is raising funds to build a church building and the Agodeke church has recently purchased land on which to build. In addition, Etienne is involved in youth outreach through his church. Their vision is “Togo for Christ.”
Kossi’s salvation testimony: “I came across an American missionary and a Togolese brother who were evangelizing and inviting people to watch a Christian movie about the life of Christ. That evening, I responded to the invitation call of salvation and I trusted the Lord and accepted Christ as my Savior.”
Kossi’s call to ministry: “After I got saved, one day I read in my Bible Acts 13:47. I saw that verse and my heart burned to respond to the Lord’s call and to be a light for the Gentiles and spread the Gospel of salvation: Go ye, Matthew 28:19. My desire and joy is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
Kossi is currently the pastor of a church he started in Baguida Benome. Attendance is 30-40 people each Sunday. They have no permanent place to worship but move from place to place. Kossi’s son, Timothe, is currently attending Dayspring Bible College and Seminary and hopes to return to Togo to assist his father in the church.
South Africa
South Africa
“An evangelist was preaching a series at my dad’s church. One night after a service, I told my dad I wanted to be saved. He took the Bible and led me to Christ. I trusted Christ as my Savior. I was five years old. I was baptized by immersion when I was nine years old.”
Jamie was saved when she was around five years old after her grandmother explained the Gospel to her in greater detail. She was baptized when she was eleven years old.
Jacob and Jamie were married in 2009 and have four children.
The Sechrests will be serving in George, South Africa, in a church-planting and discipleship ministry called “Inspire George”.
Don’t Delete This
Our Partnering Ministries

Benjamin Ministries
Offering God’s hope to the hurting for those bereaving the loss of a loved one. As a Christ-centered organization, Benjamin Ministries is an outreach to those who find themselves in the bereavement process. We offer a variety of bereavement support for all types of loss. We recognize that true, lasting hope comes ultimately from God. Our mission is to offer hope, comfort, and encouragement to the bereaved through the Gospel message and living truth of God’s Word.
Please visit our website for more information on how to receive a free Personalized Memorial Package as a gift of the ministry. You may also like to learn more about our bereavement support group, In the Light.

FAITH Ministries
International (FMI)
FMI has been serving orphans all over the world since 1990. According to the last UNICEF world census report (2008), there are approximately 145 million orphans worldwide. Jesus Christ is their only hope, and we desire to reach these precious children with the love of Christ.
FMI’s vision is to see the orphans:
Cared for and loved
Become children of God
Trained in holiness
Reaching the world for Christ

Vision 2020 Asia
Vision2020Asia was launched in 2000 with the approval of the of Morningside Baptist Church, Greenville, SC. Jim and Joanne Starr have been involved in God’s ministry since Jim’s salvation in 1969. Jim received his theological training from Bob Jones University. He has experience as a deacon, youth pastor, pastor, church planter, business manager, and entrepreneur. He has owned and operated numerous small businesses that he has used for the spread of the Gospel worldwide for the glory of God. Jim believes that God’s work should be everyone’s main business; all else should be viewed as an avocation. On January 15, 2005, James and Joanne Starr were accepted into the IGM family as Missionary Field Coordinator for Vision2020Asia. Later, his title was changed to IGM Director, Vision2020Asia.
Our Mission Statement: “To encourage and assist national leaders in Asia to preach the Gospel, win souls to Christ, establish fundamental local churches, and train and equip Asian Christian leaders, all for the glory of God.”