Greetings from Canduman Baptist Church!

For almost a month, we were not able to meet with the people in the outreach area due to the rising numbers of Covid in the area but praise God, on September 12, 2021, we held our services again.

Our Sunday schedule starting in September 2021 is very busy in the Lord’s work. After the morning service, we have a quick lunch because we travel almost three hours back and forth going to the outreach area which is in my hometown. Almost 40 church members including young people travel with me to the outreach where we have an attendance of about 70 people. After the outreach, the church members and I travel back to Canduman Baptist Church for men’s fellowship and prayer time.

Please include us in your prayers, not so much for our personal needs but for the needs of others in the situation we face now. It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 2:4-5 ” Look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”   These verses serve me as the driving force in the ministry.


Prayer Requests:

  1. Financial needs for in-kind goods for the people in the outreach, $100.
  2. Tuition fees for my son’s remaining balance for the first semester and for his second year in the nursing course along with other needed things, $1,000
  3. Discipleship of believers in the outreach
  4. Prospects for water baptism
  5. Financial needs for the meeting place in the outreach
  6. More donors for the ministry
  7. Supporting individuals/churches
  8. IGM staff


Pastor Cruz