Shalom, shalom to you, dear partners and prayer supporters. We bless the Name of our Lord and our Heavenly Father, Who is the Master of times and circumstances. May the grace of God be in your life.
It is always a joy and an immense happiness to write to you to inform you of the work that we are doing, you and us, so that you can have orientations in your prayers. Thank you for your prayers and support as we see the effects daily and through them, we are strengthened and encouraged to go and go more for the Great Commission.
We received a motorcycle, and it makes us efficient in service for the visits and allows us to transport the children who live too far to come to the church, as well as the family.
The number of children who had been coming to church went from more than 50 down to 26. Now, because of the motorcycle, we find the number of children these last Sundays has increased to 55.
The church rejoices and praises the LORD, although we are really not in a proper place of worship. Despite the rainy season, we can still have our meetings and worship. The church has held its meetings in the garage and the courtyard of a lay family for almost 9 years, so the church is not flourishing. It is limited in its activities and that plays on its growth.
We are practically on vacation, and we are beginning to feel this in the church, especially at the level of the children who go on vacation most of the time, however we will have vacation activities (relaxation outing and inter-church competition) with those who will be there, and that will help win other children.
Also, the Lord maintains the adults, for this fact we often organize events at the church to get out of the monotony. On Sunday, June 12, we had the second visit this month of Pastor Emmanuel who worshiped with us and who was the Sunday speaker. He is always available and ready for the work of the Lord. We were blessed by his presence. We celebrated Father’s Day on Sunday, June 19.
We are also going door-to-door to evangelize and to follow up. The LORD directs us to people to whom we preach the Good News and lead new people.
However, we have challenges to meet. First of all, to relocate the church to shelter it from the atmosphere of the family which lodges the church. We have lost people close to the family where we hold services because they have misunderstandings with the lady of the family who hosts the church, and they say they will come back when the church has moved. We also want to relieve the family because the church today constitutes a great burden, especially for her. This is why, dear partners and supporters of prayers, let us raise our voices to our Heavenly Father, so that He can carry out the project of relocation of the church and the accompaniments for the rental of a room for its development.
Then land. We are in the second largest city in the country. In addition, the church is in the city center, so having vacant land in the area is impossible. Even if there were vacant land there, it is very, very expensive, especially since the country is in full preparation for the 2023 African Football Cup. But we know in Whom we have believed, and nothing is impossible for Him.
The family is doing well thanks to the Lord, but I have had a health concern lately. After the attacks of pain in my chest, I was diagnosed with gastric ulcers, to the point where I have hardly set foot outside this week to do some work to take care of the family. Lucie, my wife, does sewing and GOD gave her clients last week and that’s how we kept the family going during the week. Life is becoming more and more expensive with this inflation, and we can no longer make ends meet to the point where we already owe 2 months of rent – $260.
Now, we want to reveal the love of GOD through the social James 1:27 and Hebrews 13:1-3, we have made our home a house of welcome and hospitality, then use this means to plant churches. Dear prayer partners and supporters, pray that GOD will open the doors of finance for support that will enable us to better fulfill this ministry of love. Thank you for your attention, dear partners and prayer supporters.
Prayer Request:
Pray for financial support for the ministry that will enable us to rent a place to move the church.
May GOD bless you.