Dear Friends,


Thank you for all your prayers and support that has enabled us to do the work in most of the area in Uganda, East AfrIca.

I have been preaching in many different prisons here in Uganda and 45 inmates gave their lives to Christ.

The Bugisu region is where we were at Trinity Bible Training College so we decided to visit different churches. The most common problem these churches face is lack of a place to build a latrine. All these churches lack latrines which can cause problems during the rainy season. The government can close these churches due to sanitary issues.  Bulanga Baptist Church needs around $1700. Buneusi Baptist Church needs around $500. Bukhotso needs $1000.Bumityero needs $1700. So right now, we are praying for $5,000 to help these churches overcome these challenges.


Prayer Requests:


Please kindly pray for the funds, $5,000, to help those churches.

Please kindly pray for me. My motorcycle is now very old and I have to visit different prisons and schools and every month I have to go to the Trinity Bible Training College to teach.

Please kindly pray for me as I oversee the work in the Bugisu region as Pastor Paul Syaiti oversees the work in the Bukedi region and Sebei region.


Thank you so much. May God bless you.


Pastor Paul Okoth