Dear Prayer Partner and/or Supporter:

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; And he that winneth souls is wise.

Proverbs 11:30


It is a remarkable thing to understand the essence of life.  In other words what is that motivating force that lies within our being? It is all wrapped up in Genesis 2:16, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”  In Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Truly in the garden man began the journey of death and life. They found themselves ashamed before a Holy God and He provided the covering for man’s nakedness. Man today is dead in his trespasses and sin, but alive through true belief in the sufficiency of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.  This is what Nancy and I are all about.  Our motivating desire is to see the dead made alive throughout the world. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.” 

 We both are doing as well as can be expected physically.  Spiritually we are still growing, learning, and working hard to finish well for His glory! We wonder where the time goes. I’m sure you can agree with the statement. We both are doing all we know how to make the transition for our new director and his family.  We are trying to bridge the gap of being over a thousand miles apart through Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and iPhone.  It sure would be a whole lot better if it could be face to face. We bring Dr. Reed by Zoom for devotions on Wednesdays along with some of our partners around the world.  This has enabled us to see his heart. It is exciting. We are in contact with one another almost every day.  Please pray the Reeds finding a place to live in the area. Purchasing a house is crazy for the buyer when housing prices have jumped from 100 to 200 percent of their worth a year ago.  I am sure you can imagine the many other details that are going on, so IGM does not hinder the service given to the donors and those partnering with IGM. So far so good!

I am excited for the many that have participated in the “Growing in Faith” campaign from small gifts to large.  Just over half of the goal of $100,000 has come to the office so there is just about $50,000 more to go!  This transition is not just about replacing a director. It involves replacing an office manager as well.  If you have not participated as yet, would you please consider doing so? One thing you can do is stop right now and pray for this transition to go smoothly and for the rest of the funds to come.  It all boils down to doing things the right way.

Let us not forget why IGM exists! Together, Reaching the World for Christ!  There is so much more to be done in this area of reaching out to share the Gospel.  There is a necessity here and abroad to give the dead the hope of eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ.  We all are ambassadors for Christ. Time is running short in this old world and Jesus’ coming is imminent.

 Nancy and I cannot thank you enough for your continued support. Please understand we are not retiring from ministry.  We are just shifting certain responsibilities.  God called us into ministry and that calling has not gone away.  By God’s grace, we will continue serving Him until we leave planet earth and go home!


Love in Christ,

Gary & Nancy Newhart

Your Missionaries



Tentative IGM Activities

(Activities all depend on the Pandemic situation)

National Church Planter, K. Vijayanandam, India

March   6—30 – New York and Pennsylvania

April 1-7 Dr. Lex Reed –  Tennessee Area

April 7-11 Michigan area, and April 10 – Woodward Baptist Church meeting –*See below                             

K. Vijayanandam – Schedule                   

Mar.   6 – SS, MS-Bradford Baptist Church, Bradford, NY

Mar.   6—ES –Faith Bible Church, Honeoye, NY

Mar.   9 – Wed.-Charity Bible Ch., Scottsville, NY

Mar. 13 – MS – Embassy of Christ Bible Ch., Rochester, NY

Mar. 13—ES – Allegany Baptist Church, Allegany, NY

Mar. 16 – Wed.- New Life Baptist Ch., New Wilmington, PA

Mar. 20 – SS, MS-Bible Baptist Church, Oswego, NY

Mar. 20 – ES – Williamson Bible Baptist Church, NY

Mar. 23 – Wed.-Grace Baptist Church, Marion, NY

Mar. 27 – SS-MS-Grace Bible Church, New Castle, PA

Mar. 27 – ES-Lighthouse Baptist Church, Hermitage, PA

Mar. 30 – Calvary Baptist Church, Akron, NY

April    1 – 7 – With Dr. Lex Reed in Tennessee

April    7 – *10 All Day, Woodward Baptist Church,   Byron Center, MI


March 8—IGM Quarterly Council Meeting

June   13 —IGM Quarterly Council Meeting

Sept.    4—Oct. 9 – National Church Planter Tour

Sept.   12—IGM Quarterly Council Meeting

Dec.    13—IGM Annual Council Meeting


·         Dr. Lex & Shelley Reed & two children as the New IGM Executive Director Family.

·         For our faithful prayer partners and/or supporters

·         For daily strength, wisdom, and health to serve our Savior

·         God’s continued work in bringing souls to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus

·         The many souls who have declared their profession of faith through baptism


·         Safety from COVID-19

·         Gary-neuropathy feet & hands & Nancy arthritis in knees

·         Continued financial support, both for personal and travel


·         Hire an Office Manager to take Nancy’s place

·         Reeds finding a house in the Rochester, NY area

·         Pray for Volunteers

1.       Willing to be of help in the Office.

2.       Willing to help with cleaning, etc.

3.       Maintain the six flower gardens.

4.       Paint the outside of the IGM house.

 ·         Pray for more MSA (Mission Service Account) funds to operate the Mission.

·         Pray for a vehicle that runs well and the body is in good condition.  (tax- deductible)

·         Pray for Michael Grubbs, our Communications Coordinator, who will start booking meetings for the Fall.


·         Pray: Letter number two for the GROWING IN FAITH Campaign was sent out in December. Presently, 51% of the needed $100,000 has been received.  We still need to reach the total goal of $100,000 during 2022.