Hello, dear partners.

May the Lord continue to use His goodness towards each of you in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Great is my joy for the acquisition of the two sites for which the means have come from you.

During these three months, we were able to carry out only three evangelization outings during which a family of 4 people and another family of 3 people gave their lives to the Lord. May God be praised.

The school year has been fruitful for us as our children are moving up to the next grade.

Our baptismal candidates will go through baptismal waters after the BAC exams.

My family and I are all doing well.

The whole church is doing well.

One of leaders in my church just lost his two-year-old son who had suffered from malformation and anemia since birth.

We received a visit from Pastor Emmanuel for the second time.

Prayer Topics:

  • Pray that God will give us the financial means to build a temple worthy of His Name on the land you have just bought for us.
  • Pray for me so that the Lord gives me the necessary strength to establish the necessary daughter churches in the region.
  • Pray for my family so that they are always available to support me in the work.
  • Pray for my leaders so that they are receptive to the teachings that I impart to them in order to constitute a dynamic team for the gain of souls.
  • Pray also for our country so that it has real reconciliation and real peace.
  • Let us pray together for the well-being of IGM and all its members for the smooth running of the Lord’s work.
  • May God bless you and answer our prayers in the Name of Jesus Christ.



Brother Janot N’gbra