Fourth Quarter report, ending the year of 2018

Greetings in the awesome name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He has called us to be co-laborers together with Him- 1 Corinthians 3: 9

The year 2018 came to an end while the first convert, Mr Kwaku of my ministry at Prampram was hospitalized. As days pass by, his condition of health became worsened. My brother and friend Kwaku could no longer responded to medication, so he eventually gave up the ghost on the 5th January 2019.

I am rest assured that he is in the bosom of the Lord waiting for the first resurrection of the dead ones. His memorial service was since observed on the 13th January 2019. God has used Brother Kwaku’s death to raise much awareness to the rest of the convert to serve the Lord in truth and in spirit.

We as soldiers of the Lord that fight on the same common battle ground of prayer will be praying earnestly for IGM success in its operations throughout the year. On the other hand we in Prampram request for your assistance in prayers.

Pastor Jonathan Quarshie