Dear Friends, Dear Prayer Partners, and Dear Donors,

I would like to thank the Lord for your lives. 2021 is finished under God’s lead and 2022 has started with Him controlling everything. Glory be to His Name.

I am so thankful for the multiple seminars we have with teachers, directors, and pastors. Roger was able to travel safely to visit, encourage, help, and equip teachers and schools. All this is because of your donations. ASEL has been able to work because of you.

2022 is also going on through your prayers and assistance.  Our family is doing well. The kids are making progress at school and in their Christian life.

Please, we still need your prayers for:

  1. Roger ‘s security and safety in his trips
  2. Finances for ASEL’s counselors to continue the great work they do with teachers, children, and schools
  3. Roger to start a church in a village called Takpamba. There is one of our teachers who works with the government there and we see an opportunity to start something there.
  4. The spiritual impact of our teachers on kids and families and community


Thanks a lot, and God bless.

FETOU’s family and ASEL