“Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee…” (Ps. 31:19a)

Yes, the Lord’s goodness has been manifested for us throughout the past months till now. We have been protected, we have been supported, and led in the ministry; God has provided for many needs through many of you. We have been encouraged, and this is also an opportunity for us to reiterate our deep gratitude.

The ministry of Peniel Center continues to grow despite the increasingly difficult context that crosses our country. We continue to serve, to travel in the most secure localities, and God continues to do wonders for His glory.

The church of Fada, which has barely one year of existence, is growing in number; we continue to put the infrastructure in place part by part; this is how we have just completed the construction of the toilet (4 toilets and 2 bathrooms). We now need to build a pastor’s office and a gate for the main entrance. In March, we held an edifying seminar on the theme of “Knowing one’s identity in Christ to live according to God”.

The church of Bigtogo is doing very well; after baptisms at Christmas, I visit them once a month for Holy Communion. The group of teenagers is very committed and strives to bear witness to Jesus in their families and in their schools. Let’s continue to pray for the medical center project: construction slowed down due to lack of funding. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will provide for the work to resume.

In Sakoula, the blessings of the Lord were renewed for us. The church is growing in numbers, and many are motivated for evangelization. We organized 2 seminars in April and May on our topic of the year, “Walking in Newness of Life in Christ”. These were very good moments spent around the Word of God. At Easter, 6 people were baptized and on May 19, we celebrated the Day of Communities: everyone came dressed in their cultural attire, sang in our various mother tongues, and brought a one of their traditional meals to share with others. What a wonderful moment of fraternal communion!

It is also with great joy that we organized the establishment of national identity cards for teenagers who attend Saturday’s club meetings. Many were preparing for the BEPC examination and did not have ID cards to access the examination rooms. By the grace of God, fifty-eight of them got it. The town mayor and the police office facilitated the task, and several parents expressed their gratitude to the church.

Our primary school is pursuing its vision and is preparing thirty-nine pupils for the CEP exam to be held in June. Thank you for keeping them in your prayers.

The women’s vocational training center is also continuing despite the challenges related to the lack of funds and electricity. In July will be the release of the second promotion of 6 women who end the program. (Editor’s Note: He may mean that a second group of women have completed the training program.). Again, thank you very much for your support in prayer and for your financial support to this ministry. Naomi is very grateful for your commitment and your loving sacrifices. Our goal is to equip each one these women with the basic equipment necessary to be able to work in their own workshop. We will sincerely appreciate your support for that need.

Beloved partners in prayer, we are very thankful for your love, your prayers, and for your financial and material support.

May the Lord continue to richly bless you as you serve Him!


Prayers Requests:

1)         Continue to carry before the throne of grace, Burkina Faso, its authorities and the Church of the Lord in this country, so that God intervenes and frees the country from terrorism and its harmful consequences.

2)         Thank you for continuing to pray for the need of the Sakula’s women’s vocational center, about $4200.00 to finish the building, and set up solar energy connection and other additional equipment needed. Please pray for God to provide for that need.

3)         The Sakoula Church launched the construction of our building in February. Thank you for your prayers and for any support that the Lord will put in your heart to give. Pray for the needs of the first stage (foundation, pillars, and slab), which is about $35,000.00.

4)         Pray also for all the new converts from Easter and Pentecost, that they may be strengthened in their faith in Christ.

5)         Also pray for my health. I had surgery on my left eye for a cataract and the second eye will be scheduled for the coming weeks. Pray that the operation will succeed and for a total healing of my eyes to continue to serve Him.



Pastor K. Robert and Naomi Lompo