Dear Pastors and Ministry Friends,


Greetings to you all in Jesus Christ’s Name.

God, our Father in heaven, desires: “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”  1 Timothy 2:4

Today, we thank all of you for the love, prayers, and financial support for the Lord’s ministry in the field of Lome, Togo, West Africa.

In Lome, Baguida Benome, the cement work on the church building is totally done. Doors, windows, and the painting need to be done. We are praying for the toilet project and drinking water.

In our last soul winners’ conference, 10 people got saved.

For back to school, 35 kids received books, pencils, and pens.

Please keep praying for 50 kids who need their birth certificates.

Please pray for a little girl, Amoussou Dado, who needs financial help with her school fees.

Pray for my wife’s health and for our daughter, Anne Grace, who has an eye problem and uses eye drops every day.

We also pray that the Lord leads some to help us with one-time needs (purchasing land for the Agbata Lanzo church in Klikame and for a good car).

We pray for God’s continued work in bringing to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Urgent Prayer: our monthly support is not at a high enough level to cover our monthly needs of rent, food, fuel, medical expenses, and other needs.

Again, thanks to all of you for the prayers and financial support.

Pray for strength, protection, and safety for doing the Lord’s ministry.


Sincerely Yours in the Lord’s Ministry,

Kossi Thomas Soadjede