Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,

Hello to every one. I wish you a blessed day. Thanks for taking time to read this and react. God bless.

We are at the end of our 16th school year here in Togo! During this school year, I (Roger) have seen firsthand the necessity for myself and my three colleagues to continuously visit our 25 schools. I arrived at one of our two Kara schools one day to find the teachers very discouraged over the lack of support from their local church and the amount of their salary compared to rising prices. However, by the end of my visit, I was able to open God’s Word with them and remind them that there are trials in the world but we serve a God Who has conquered them all. The teachers had a renewed spirit for sharing the Gospel with their students. This was evident throughout the school year as we saw several professions of faith in the middle school from the teachers spending time outside of classroom hours to explain the Good News to Muslim students and animists.

Our second school in Kara just finished their first year! On an early visit, I noticed the teachers were harsh with the students and even used the stick as a source of punishment. I made it a priority to visit them at least twice a week to help the teachers understand their role as a Christian educator. By the end of the year, there was a vast difference in the teachers’ attitudes and a majority of parents and students reported how happy they were to be at school.

Reflecting back on this year, visiting the schools weekly has positively impacted the teachers and their ability to disciple their students. My three other colleagues have been visiting schools in their zones and they never tire from encouraging the schools to continue to spread the Gospel. Unfortunately, our funding is currently too low to resume traveling to the schools next fall. We would appreciate your prayers and financial donations if you feel led to give. Every amount given is used directly to impact over 4,500 students.

We are able to impact this next generation only through your support. Your giving helps us train teachers, equipping them with tools to educate and disciple their students. Please, we thank you for your donations. Please, we need your help to keep ASEL alive to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord. We are short of money to visit schools which need us during these times. We have to prepare the summer seminars. Please, help. Thanks a lot and God bless.

We thank the Lord for His provisions. Thank you for your prayers and assistance in donations.