
Yesterday, we drove back to the ABWE Mission hospital for a medical appointment with the surgeon. The checking revealed that the co process is in good progress. We give thanks to the Lord. The next appointment is scheduled on April 20.

God bless.

Kossi and Agathe Anika



Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Greetings to you in the Lord’s Name.

We want to share this news with you and request your prayers and assistance: in the evening of Friday, March 12, our daughter, Happy Joyce, had a serious motorbike accident on her way back from school. She broke her jaw at the level of the chin and seven teeth according to X-RAY. She also has wounds on several parts of the body. She needs surgery. The cost of treatment is expected to be very high.

Should you be moved by the Holy Spirit to help save the situation, please contact the IGM office for further notice.

We thank you in advance for your kindness and love. God bless.


Kossi and Agathe Anika