Dear Praying Friends,

This New Year is well on its way and I have not taken the time to thank you for your prayers and gifts. I felt love for the Christmas cards, letters, and extra gifts, even when some did not arrive until Feb.

Because you prayed, my doctor has been very pleased in how my retina is healing. I have permission to resume my normal life, but she is keeping a close check. She said I am still healing and possibly by the end of 6 months, I will not need glasses.

Once I was allowed to return to cooking, she told Ginger it was time to take care of her eye. Ginger had an extra piece of flesh growing over her eye. This was removed on Feb.4.

For 2 weeks we changed places and she became the queen, and I did the cooking. Andres had come to be with her, so he has been in charge of her care and drops. As of the 19th, she has permission to read, crochet and even go home. But she still needs to stay away from heat. Your prayers and gifts have made this happen.

I am still basically house-bound but manage to use the money you have sent. The home the Lord built for us is now 17 years old, and things are wearing out. The water line that goes from the well to my home was clogging. It became apparent that it needed to be replaced. You provided the funds and Eduardo did the work and Andres was here to help with some of the digging.

Last year I needed to replace the washer and refrigerator. The dryer seemed to want to quit, but Eduardo cleaned out the whole line and it is still limping.

My car too needs work done on it, Eduardo has already bought the parts and as soon as he gets time, he will work on it. I no longer drive but those who come to help me can use it.

And of course, Eduardo has been my chauffeur back and forth to hospital and doctors.  He feels he gets nothing done, but as you can see, he is kept quite busy.

Eduardo often said it does not matter what you did in the past for the Lord what are you doing now. Sometimes I get discouraged and feel I am doing nothing. I talked to the Lord about it, I still want to be used.

That very day, a 16-year-old girl contacted me, wanting help. I   have been able to counsel her and her older brother. I praise the Lord for this opportunity.

None of us are sure of tomorrow, and yes, we are limited in many ways, but we are still being watched so we need to keep our lamps shining bright.

Thanks again for your faithfulness in praying, giving, and encouraging me and many in my family.

Longing to serve,

Flossie Abbott