Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,

The storm vindicated the choice of location for Calvary Bible Baptist Church. Moments such as these, although very difficult to bear given the unpleasant results, are extremely necessary and
important. We had a rain and wind storm that left much destruction in the community. We thank God that apart from our tent, everything else was left intact and standing!

We went to Bungoma and received good news and bad. I thank God that progress is being made, albeit slowly. I managed to improve on the Bible School curriculum in order to avoid duplication and
repetition of some courses. Some courses are taught using BTCP textbooks. For others, I have developed handouts for the teachers and students and I require help to print and bind them for use at school. For other courses, I am still developing handouts. I desire to be through by May when the new trimester begins.

We intend to travel to Navaisha next week to start the new school. We pray that God shall give us enough grace to carry out the work. I sent forms to Pastor Cleophas for the student pastors to use to register.

Kindly continue to pray for the success of this program.

Greetings to you in the most gracious Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Yours in the Service of Christ Jesus,
Pastor Allan Maina