Servants of God, receive our warm greetings.

We love you and wish to see you physically here one day. I would like to share with you in a few lines the news from the missionary field here in Guitry.

The church in Guitry is doing very well and still continues its activities after the passage of covid-19. In number, we are currently about forty, men, women, and children, not to mention the absent every Sunday. We have candidates for baptism who will be baptized in the second week of March during the pastoral ministry of IGM member pastors which will take place here in the presence of the pastor.

The difficulties that we meet here:

1. My wife is no longer able to support me in the ministry because of her hip pain.

2. Thieves came to steal my Bible commentary, my study Bible and other items because at the moment, the fence of the courtyard is made of bamboo.

3. We, the collective of pastors of the city with American missionaries, have just made a 5-day evangelistic campaign in which each local pastor has received at least 50 souls that he must follow-up from near and far. And since I have no means of transportation, it will be difficult for me to be efficient.

4. I planted a little over 6 acres of corn in a lowland in order to support the church a little bit, but, unfortunately, the continuous rains of this period have everything destroyed. I only had a 50kg bag.

Prayer topics:

1- Pray for the Lord to give us the financial means to raise the walls of our courtyard.
2- Pray that God will give me a means of transport (motorbike) to better follow-up the souls and open certain annexes in the surrounding villages.
3- Pray a lot for my wife because her hip aches may lead to paralysis. And may God give me the financial means for her care.

May God bless you for all that you do for his work.

Brother Janot N’gbra