UPDATE on Kobby

Dear Ministry Supporters and Praying Friends,

As its often quoted ” Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affection, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” James 1:27

The first surgery has been performed successfully on Kobby’s fingers. According to the Doctors, the Covid-19 is putting pressure on the hospital as it’s the only hospital in the Capital). Covid-19 patience are overwhelming the hospital staff and one doctor has already lost his life and a few medical personnel have been infected.

Because of the closure of the borders since March 22, 2020, life has been extremely difficult for almost everyone as no stimulus package is being offered to workers except health workers. Kobby will need at least 2 more surgeries and if it’s not successful, a third maybe required so he doesn’t loose another finger. We are helping to pay for the mother’s accommodation and food! A third surgery means more money to be charged! Already, we’re finding it a big challenge to raise the funds for the surgery, food, transportation, to the hospital from the rented place back and forth.

We know we serve a big God and our prayers can turn a widows mite to abundance! We’re estimating that if there’s no third surgery, we would have spent close to $2,150 which includes food for Alice, transportation and medicine. Subsequent travels for medical reviews are not known yet!

Please, pray that there wouldn’t be any third surgery and that only the one finger lost will be his loss and the other 3 fingers will be saved! Also, for financial support to help cater for the costs of the surgery and subsequent follow ups for reviews. For now he’s going to be hospitalized for at least 3 werks for constant observations.

Please, pray that Kobby and the mother don’t contract the Covid-19 as well as some family members and church members who go there to offer support. Because of the Coronavirus, people are not allowed to visit as before except the mother and Pastor in charge of visitation and evangelism to pray and offer hope through the word of God with very little time given!

Thank you for your continuous prayers. May the Good Lord help us to share a testimony when all is said and done!

Still praising the Lord,
Pastor Alex B

Philippians 4:13