Beloved in the Lord,

It is with a heart full of gratefulness that we give you of our news for this first quarter of the year. Above all we thank you for your prayers for our country and for the Ministry. As you might have heard it in the news and on internet, almost every day, our country faces terrorist attacks; late in January and the month of February were very hard for us, with a lot of Christians killed for standing firm on their faith and also with a lot of churches burnt or destroyed, leading then thousands of people to leave their villages and to shelter around the big cities which are for the time being spared from these attacks. A lot of children as a result of this, abandoned school. Please continue to keep praying for us, so that even in this hard situation we can go ahead and keep it up with the testimony of Christ.
Naomi and I are thankful to you once more for your faithful support towards our Ministry. We are very delighted to announce you that we were able to finish the construction of 3 classrooms, for our primary school. We were visited by the Supervision Department of the National Education Ministry, late in January 2020 and they were surprised and appreciated the construction. But unfortunately they did not give us an official recognition certificate because the number of toilets did not match the standards required at the national level, which is 1 toilet for 1 classroom. We needed to build 6 additional toilets whereas we only had 3. It is therefore mandatory for us to build new toilets, so that to get our certificate. We already made the bricks and have started to dig holes. Thanks for praying for God to give us sufficient funds to finish these toilets in time.
The sewing center is little by little being equipped. We have gotten 2 new sewing machines and a weaving loom. We are still in prayer for the rest of the equipment.
The church in Sakoula is making progress in his faith and his testimonies for the Lord! The new church started in Bigtogo also is going well. Yonli and his team are keeping it up with evangelism and edifying actions for children and teenagers who gather on Sunday and Wednesday to worship, pray and study the Bible. God has opened the doors in this village for us; we had found a plot of land of 2 hectares (about 4acres), where we will build a church for worship and start other activities to show by our actions the love of the Lord. The plot of land is in the entrance of the village as if God were given us to control the gates of this village.
Please continue to pray for Bigtogo and for God to grant us the required resources to build a shed for the place of worship and also for the money to purchase this land.

During this first quarter we were also invited to facilitate several conferences for the youth as well as for couples in diverse places of the country and also in neighboring countries, especially in Niger.
Thank you very much for your faithful financial support and for your daily prayer, we appreciate so much your engagement and devotion to the Lord.
Remain blessed as you serve a wonderful Lord!
Prayer requests:
1. Pray for God’s protection over our Country Burkina Faso, for peace and security.
2. Pray for God to strengthen the new converts in Bigtogo, so that they will stay firm in their faith despite the persecution from their families.
3. Pray for God to provide for $ 4,500.00 USD for achieving our primary school toilets construction.
4. Pray for God to provide for $10,000.00 USD to pay the land for the ministry in Bigdogo.

Pastor LOMPO K. Robert and Naomi
Burkina Faso / West Africa