Summer 2023 Newsletter

Hello to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ! Both of us always appreciate your prayers, especially because of these trying times.  I pray that the Lord will give all of us His strength. Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Most of our programs at church have slowed down for the Summer. The focus now is the search for a pastor. We have had a couple candidates so far and there is one we are getting to know and will be voting on soon.  Please be praying for God’s leading for the one He wants to pastor Community Bible Chapel.

Please continue to pray for the salvation of the 2 women we met with to study what it means to have a real relationship with God. We see them regularly and plan to do another study in the Fall. We have become good friends with a family who is related to our oldest grandson, Janelle’s son, and are calling on God to open their eyes and give them a desire to know Him! (We are TRYING to be patient!)

I just celebrated my 73rd birthday, and praise God for His strength to continue serving Him, and trying to do whatever He wants. Pray with me that I will have wisdom to discern His voice, both Elise and me.

Please pray for our youngest son, Ethan, and his family as they have been going through some trials in their lives. Ethan told us that God has been their help, wanting to consistent in going to church and put God first in their family’s life.  He should be starting a new job soon. He had to quit a job he liked that was nightshift in order to be there for his wife and children.  We pray for all our children and yours that God will give them His strength to endure by focusing on His Son, Jesus, and not to worry, but remain faithful to Him.

Elise and I have been praying for each of you to keep your eyes on the race which is before you. Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.

Elise and I appreciate you who have been supporting us for 29 years on June 9th when the Lord called us, way back then, to follow Him with our family here to Nova Scotia, leaving behind all those we loved, family and friends. Jesus is coming soon, as we wait, we still need to be telling people what the Lord Jesus has done for them because we are the light to those around us. God bless each one of you and may His light radiate through you, as we wait for His return!


Ben and Elise