First, let me thank our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of all other kings for taking care of us throughout the year 2022. Since the year 2020, it has been unpredictable what could happen to the whole world, but praise be to God, He is in control of every happening.

The world has been through a lot of challenges, but our Lord Jesus Christ has been on our side and continues keeping us protected.

I say thanks for the coming of Mathew Ferguson to Kenya. He managed to come and worship with us in Mathare in September. We had a very wonderful time with him and Pastor Maina. We did not have enough time with him, but I appreciate his coming. May the Lord be with him and bless his ministry.

1 Cor 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.”

1 Cor. 4:4 “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” It doesn’t matter what happens to the world or to us. We should remain focused on being His steward.

I thank God that He gave me an opportunity to go for a vision/mission trip to Nakuru, Kisumu and Mumis on November 21 – 26. It was awesome and I thank God for being with us until it was over. Our God is faithful and will remain faithful.

May I take this opportunity again to convey my happiness that God is continuing to do wonders in the ministry. A Muslim woman trusted Christ as her Savior and is continuing to serve Christ with her life. She has been disowned by her family and needs a lot of prayer.

Prayer Requests

  1. Prayer for Yasmin who trusted Christ as her Savior. She has been disowned by her family. She gave birth but she lost the child due to hunger which is in the country and due to the deterioration of health. I attach the picture for prayer.
  2. Church planting which will take place in Kano, Kisumu County next year in February. We are praying for 400 USD to make this a success.