Greetings to you all.

Thank you for your continued prayers, and support that has helped us to reach out to the lost.

This is to thank you for all the support that you have given to us that has helped our ministry in many ways.

Seminar: August 17-20, we had a very blessed evangelism at Iganga where 25 people got saved and now we have a preaching point.

In a similar development, we had a wonderful seminar on August 24 -26. One lady got saved on that day after hearing the message from Pastor Anthony Juma and Mama Joyce Alexander.


Prayer Requests:


  1. Pray for us for school fees. This is the last term of the year for both orphans and my children. The cost is around $1700.
  2. School classrooms building: We have a plan to start building classrooms by October, however, we are praying for the funds to help us. Right now, we have bought bricks. The whole building will cost $24,000 to complete everything but for a start, we are praying for $7,000 dollars

This building is to help us next year because the classrooms we have now are not enough for all learners.

  1. Pray for the newly started preaching point at Iganga.
  2. Pray for our Sunday school choirs.
  3. Pray for the prison ministry. Through doing it, inmates are getting saved.


May God bless you all.


Paul Okoth