Dear Financial and Prayer Partner:

Psalm 106: 1 “Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.”

On a note of praise, an elderly gentleman in the community of Sellington, whilst in the hospital, gave his heart to the Lord on the 9th of June.  Also at Sellington Baptist Church, the Womens’ Fellowship and Young Peoples’ Group have been resumed after a two-year break due to COVID-19.  To enhance the learning of Bible stories, a family donated a television to the Sunday School Department.

Sister Greene and I had the joy of attending face-to-face service at Rockcliffe Baptist Church on June 5.  It was a blessing to sit and listen to the message from one of the deacons who was trained under my leadership.


We continue to pray for the following:

  1. Plans are in place by Sister Greene for another Back To School Project for the 7th of August, 2022. We pray that the sponsors who have pledged their support will be forth coming.
  2. Our young people who are in school up to tertiary level
  3. The new pastor and his wife at Sellington Baptist Church
  4. Calling a pastor for Rockcliffe Baptist Church
  5. The wife of one of the deacons is ill.


We continue to crave your prayers on behalf of the immediate family to include improvement of my health and the meeting of our financial needs.


Thanks for your continuous financial and prayer support.


In Christ’s Service with IGM,

Sylvester A. Greene (Rev.)

The Greene Family