Dear co-workers in the ministry we greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May His grace and peace dwell in your hearts.
It is a great pleasure for me and my family to share with you our news from last quarter. This quarter has been particularly difficult given the health context that prevailed. We have spent two months without really working because our governments had taken restrictive measures to counter the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic. However, we thank God for his love and support for us. My family and I are in good health.
We thank you for your prayerful support throughout the quarter. Our prayer is that the Lord will renew your strength and that His peace and grace will rest upon each of you, your families and your various ministries. Our ministry in Bigtogo and the school administration in Sakoula are doing well by the grace of God despite the many challenges. We spent two months without being able to gather for our regular worship services. During this time we organized ourselves in small groups to have moments of meditation.
During this quarter we adapted to the health situation to continue to make Christ known as the apostle Paul recommends in 2 Timothy 4 :12 to preach the word and to insist on every occasion favourable or unfavourable. We shared the gospel to more than 600 people through outreach outings, door to door offering nose pads, soap, food and treaties to the households we visited.
During the month of June we celebrated the Day of the African Child. The day was marked by awareness raising on barrier measures to fight covid 19. We went through the streets of our village to exchange with the people we met. The day ended at the town hall with a plea that we made to the authorities in favour of the children who drop out of school to collect irons to sell them in order to find food because of the extreme poverty that their families live in.
The health crisis has been difficult for our nascent church in Bigtogo. It was difficult for us already because we started only six months ago and the closure of the places of worship came into effect. We are already working very hard for the strengthening of newborns in the kingdom of God. And with the crisis, many have demobilized when we resumed our activities. Our big challenge at the moment is to have a suitable place for our gatherings because of the rainy season that has set in. Indeed the wind has destroyed the straw shed that we have built to start the church. With the rainy season we can no longer gather in peace without the rain suspending our moments of worship. We need your support to raise $1500 to build a stronger shed with a tin roof. Please pray for this need! Also in our congregation we have welcomed a widow who has also lost all her children. She gave her life to the Lord but she has a health problem. We helped her to get a consultation in a hospital and it turns out that she has to take a lifetime treatment for her glaucoma eyes. She is very destitute and has no one to help her. If God puts your heart into helping her to buy the medicines, it will be a great help and will also be very much appreciated. Monthly she needs 50 dollars for her medicine. Pray for her.
At our primary school we have 33 candidates who are going to take the Primary School Certificate exam. Our wish is that each one of them will pass. We ask you to support them in prayer.
Prayer topics
1- Praying for the need of a shed to serve as a place of worship. We need 1500 dollars to build it
2- Pier for the widow Bibata so that her health improves and she can find the necessary means for her lifelong treatment 50 dollars each month.
3- Pray for the strengthening in faith of the new converts in Bigtogo.
4- Pray for our 33 candidates for the primary school certificate so that all goes well.
Remain blessed!
Ily, Happiness Georgette & Kanfidini YONLI