in Apedokoe Village (Togo, West Africa)

April 2020
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, dear friends
We greet you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are grateful to our Lord for the good care He is taking of us in these circumtances of Corona Virus. Our family is doing fine.
As you are aware, the Corona virus issue is also here in Togo, at the difference that the number of victims is not so alarming as it is in some other countries. Well known drastic mesures have been put in place by the government: washing hands frequently, wearing nose masks, home staying… Besides these measures, the government decreted a state of emergency (6 months) coupled with a curefew (3 months) from 8.00 pm through 6.00 am. Schools from kindergarten through universities are closed until further notice. All worship places (churches and mosques) are also closed. We do family services at home knowing that the Lord is anywhere. Some times, we are compelled to do quick visits with the aim at encouraging members and clubbers.
In this period where we are assigned to stay home, hand workers are confronted with the sad reality of famine. Those who are courageous enough come and knock at our door for food assistance; at some other occasions, clubbers are sent to us for the same reasons. One week ago, a benefactor heared our cries and helped us distribute 400 kilos of dried corn and 100 kilos of rice among our chuch members and clubbers. In presence of such a reality, and even knowing how the conditions are difficult, we continue to seek benefactors to help put in place a stock of basic food items which are more and more expensive every day. We just want to copy the example of Joseph in Egypt. As workers in the vineyard of the Lord, we are just trying to do any thing that is possible to prevent our people from reaching the stage of ”a hungry man is an angry man” and all its possible consequences. That can bring a shame to the name of the Lord we are serving.
Should these information move you to want to help implement that project, you are welcome to send your donation designated ”Kossi and Agathe Anika covid food reliefs project” through the IGM office. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being considerate. May the Lord bless you as we are acting together to go through this tough situation, with the assurance that the Lord is in control.
Kossi and Agathe Anika