Shallom.Recieve greetings in the name above all names the Name of Jesus who died and was burried and on the 3rd day he Rose from the the dead as the scripture says in 1st Corinthians 15:3-4.Me and my family are doing well we thank God for His grace and mercy to us, our dear brother, Our God has been so faithful to us we have been preserved by His love, the Covid19 has brought a lot of challenges to us here in Kenya, in our county we are in partial lockdown that has lasted for the last 47 days now, we do have family worship service and there after share God’s word through social media, and if I get time I do visit some few members, we are thankful for you our prayer partners for your financial support. May God bless you, we are Thankful.may God be blessed.
Pastor Franklin & Claris
Voice of Hope Baptist Church
Kikambala, East Africa