Dear Ministry Partners and Prayer Warriors,


Receive Calvary greetings in the most gracious and lovely Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In the 19th century, Eliza E. Hewitt wrote the hymn, “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place”.


My faith has found a resting place,

Not in device or creed;

I trust the ever-living One,

His wounds for me shall plead.



I need no other argument,

I need no other plea,

It is enough that Jesus died,

And that He died for me.


Enough for me that Jesus saves,

This ends my fear and doubt;

A sinful soul I came to Him,

He’ll never cast me out.


My heart is leaning on the Word,

The living Word of God,

Salvation by my Savior’s name,

Salvation through His blood.


My great physician heals the sick,

The lost He came to save;

For me His precious blood He shed,

For me His life He gave.




This is indeed our portion at Calvary Bible Baptist Church

The Lord has preserved and blessed us with good health in the midst of the ugliest pandemic of our times. Nairobi is hard-hit with coronavirus and it is realistically scary to venture into the city, but yet we must for livelihood’s sake. God has been our Shield and Shepherd. God has also blessed us with a permanent place for His worship. We praise His Name.

Two families in our congregation tested positive and were quarantined for 14 days each. The period provided us with the opportunities to take care of their burdens by providing their livelihood supplies and needs. They are well at this point.

One congregant lost her father to the pandemic last month. She is utterly devastated. We continue to stand with her in prayers and visitation.


  1. Church property
  2. Good health of our congregants
  3. Nice and warm reception in the new community where the church property was bought
  4. The opportunity to assemble and worship God freely
  5. The opportunity to have you as our ministry partners and prayer warriors


  1. Church van (bus) to ferry Sunday school children and worshippers who live close to five miles away from the church
  2. Pastor’s support
  3. School fees for the pastor’s children


We thank God Who joined our paths in His mission field.


Yours Faithfully in Christ,

Pastor Allan Maina