Greetings from Pastor Franklin and Claris.

We thank God for His wonderful grace. He has been so gracious to us. We glorify God for Who he is and for what He is doing in us day by day.

Our dear friends and prayer partners, I come to you requesting your humble prayers for our new church plant, Upendo Baptist Church of Mangororo. We are so grateful for this church as it is growing day by day.

Because of where the church is located, it has a great challenge in accessing water for their domestic use as the area is dry.

The church pastor and I went to the water company, and they gave us a quote of what it will cost for the church and the local area to get access to the water. The total cost of the water connection, trenching, and plumbing work will be $250.

We are trusting God for this, and we ask you to pray with us.


Yours in Christ,

Franklin and Claris